A Studio of One's Own, named after Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own, was a weekly series of online dialogue sessions I directed and produced as part of DECK’s initiative to create sustainable online art programmes when the pandemic hit. The series sought to reach out to artists living in quiet corners of Southeast Asia, and caught up with them on their changing creative routines having been confined to their new home as a studio in light of the international lockdown. With borders closed and art becoming increasingly localised, this series attempts to sustain cross-cultural and cross-border sharing and immersion of art experiences, experimentation and creation.
Series 1 of the dialogue was moderated by me, and aired every Friday evening at 8:30pm SGT, featuring artists Robert Zhao, John Clang, Mayco Naing, Wawi Navarroza, Alecia Neo, Sherman Ong, amongst others.
Season 2 of the dialogue was moderated by curator and exhibition maker, John Tung, and aired bi-weekly on Thursdays, featuring artists Sebastian Mary Tay, Manit Sriwanichpoom, Agan Harahap, Gerladine Kang, amongst others.